Sunday, 4 June 2017

Day 25 May 31, 2017

  • Daily mileage 20
  • Total miles 458
  • Hiked from 5:30 am to 7:00 pm with multiple long breaks

What was supposed to be a nero turned into a full 20 mile day

Any morning that involves the use of a flush toilet is bound to be the start of a good day.  Hence the slightly later start.  But enough about that.  I got going knowing I had a bit of a climb, but only about 10 miles to my destination of Agua Dulce.  The climb was easy and I could hear the noise from the upcoming freeway well before I could see it.  Made it to the culvert under the freeway and emerged into the Vasquez Rocks Park.  I am so happy the PCT goes through this feature.  It was so cool to see.  You could almost hear Kirk and Spock battling the Klingons.     
Early morning       
Sunrise light on desert grasses      
So that is what is making all that noise      
Vasquez Rocks
Soon enough our group came out to the short road walk into Agua Dulce.  We immediately headed for the most obvious restaurant we could find.  Now, I am not writing this blog as to be a critic of eating establishments and I try to stay as positive about everything PCT related as I can.  But the service in that restaurant really pissed me off.  Should the owner ever stumble upon this blog, please either put a sign out front saying no PCT hikers allowed or stop treating us like shit.  Sadly, the food was good, but I was so off put by the rudeness of the waitress that I really did not savor it.  There, rant over.

Went across the street and did a six day resupply to get me to Tehachapi.  Why does food weigh so much!  Then a truck pulled up to give any hikers who wanted it a ride up to Hiker Heaven.  This is an amazing bit of trail magic hosted by the Sauflys (I may have the spelling wrong).  Because there is no accommodations in town, they decided years ago to open up their rather substantial yard for us to camp in. For us they have set up a shower, laundry, a charging station, postal services, in other words, everything a through hiker could want.  Amazing.  I had originally intended to stay the night, but the place was packed with more arrivals on an hourly basis.  I do not sleep well when closely surrounded by other hikers, so I chose to hike on. Hence the non-nero.

One thing I did get to do there was step on a weigh scale for the first time in 25 days.  I knew I had lost weight, but I was not expecting 11 pounds.  Damn, as I mentioned before, why is food so heavy to carry!

I took the long road walk out of town at around 2:00.  Then began the second and much longer climb of the day.  Luckily the day had remained slightly overcast and cool so that helped.  Made it about 10 miles before I found probably the nicest camp spot of the trip so far.
On the PCT you do see some strange things
Tomorrow I will hike to another trail angels house and for sure take a nero there.
Home for the night

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