Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Day 35 June 10, 2017

  • Daily mileage 21
  • Total mileage 630
  • Hiked from 5:45 am to 5:15 pm

Today was all about wind.  Lots and lots of wind

The camp I chose last worked out just fine. I could hear the wind just howling through the trees above me but down at my ground level it was quite calm.  I accidentally slept in a bit, but that was ok.

First order of the day was to get down to the Kelso Road water cache to see if it was stocked.  This is about a 39 mile stretch where water is very hard to come by.  I would have to go off trail a couple of miles each way if there was no water at the cache.  Well, thank goodness there was plenty of the precious liquid there.  These people who make it their business to help us PCT hikers out are amazing.  I grabbed a couple of litres (why oh why is water measured in litres in this country while gas and everything else is measured in gallons?) and was on my way.  Into the wind.  The wind was just screaming all day long.  That in itself was annoying, but when combined with the fact that the trail was built in sand all day long also made for less than ideal hiking conditions.  Not the worst, but room for improvement.

I just love early morning light

Yet more SoCal desert to walk through


Again, why?

Joshua tree fruit
I got to the second water cache of the day, which apparently is stocked by the same people just as the bubble of people I hike around were pulling out. No big deal, we will likely see each other at Walker Pass tomorrow or certainly Kennedy Meadows next week.  Made the final climb of the day, and at the top what should appear but the snowy Sierra off in the distance.  Yikes, this is getting real! 
Balanced rock 
Sierra mountains are now in sight
I found a camp that is somewhat shielded amongst the trees so here is hoping for a good night.

Home for the night

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