Monday, 24 July 2017

Day 60 July 24, 2017

Daily mileage 5
Total mileage 1043
Hiked from 5:30 am to 7:15 am

Town Day!

I had thought about sleeping in but just could not do it. I got going on the very easy hike to the road leading to Burney. In no time I was there and got a lift from Shorty (his name, not his stature) about 10 minutes later.

Then I did all of the usual town day things. Ate, contacted family, ate, resupplied for the next section, ate etc etc.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack. I tried to comment once but can't figure this out. Will try again.
    Was thinking about you and then spotted this blog. Very cool to hear of your progress. Keep it going!
