Thursday, 9 May 2019

PCT 2019 Day 6 May 9/19

Daily mileage 0
Total mileage 109
Hours hiked n/a

Zero day in Warner Springs

I messed up yesterday by arriving late into a trail town. That virtually forced me to take a zero because there was no time to get town chores done in the evening.  Typically I like to camp a few hours out from a town the night before and then I have all the next day to get my chores done.

And what chores are those you ask? Well let me tell you. First and foremost - shower.  Then eat food that does not have to be rehydrated. Then do laundry. Then eat some more food that someone else cooks. Then chart out your resupply needs for the next leg. Then eat something that actually has veggies in it.  Then shop for your resupply. Then eat at an actual table. Then catch up with your blog.

Simple as that. Add a nap or two in and you get the picture.

So on the trail I have something that I call my rate of acceleration. Simply put, how fast can I go from 0 to 2.5 mph. Let me explain. I wake up in the morning pretty much at first light. On this hike, i have fallen into the bad habit of lolligagging around in my downy cocoon for 10 or 15 minutes.  Then my bladder tells me that it is time to get up.  Packing up my worldly possessions take another 10 or 15 minutes. At that point I think I am ready to hike.  But wait, the bladder just announced that it is somehow full again.  So that puts my rate of acceleration at around 30 to 35 minutes. Room for improvement but still not bad.

Generally I have first breakfast a couple of miles up the trail, so that helps the time to get out of camp.

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