Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Day 66 July 30, 2017

Daily mileage 28
Total mileage 1182
Hiked from 5:30 am to 6:00 pm

A day of lakes, naps and a swim.

So when I was setting up camp last night, rather than putting everything inside my tent right away, I left it all sitting outside. Turns out this was a very bad decision. There are tons of ants everywhere around here. I would guess that about two dozen of the really big black guys hitched a ride into my tent on my gear when I finally did put it inside.

So pretty much all night, an ant would crawl across some part of my body about every thirty minutes. Yeah, not one of my better sleeps on the trail.

Veins was up and out of camp before me this morning. Hang on, that never happens. Guess that is what I get for camping with a fellow old guy!

Man, I paid the price for charging up that hill yesterday, combined with a lack of sleep. I had no energy all morning. The trail was very easy but I just had no giddy-up.

The miles did get done and by lunch I was at Deadfall Lake. When I saw the name of this lake, I set the bar pretty low. But it was a beautiful alpine lake. When I got there, I flopped down in a shady spot and was asleep almost instantly. I think I was out for about an hour.

Typical trail today 

Mt Shasta yet again

Pictures do not do justice for this area 

Deadfall Lake

That snooze, combined with a good lunch turned my whole day around.  I felt like hiking again. As I said, the trail was easy so getting in 28 miles was not a big deal. I had targeted another lake by the name of Bull Lake as tonight's camp spot. When Brew Hiker and Yachti  (she hikes with her kitten) went in for a swim, I figured why not. So now I am somewhat clean and cooled down.

Yachti and Manzanita the kitten

More beautiful trail that does not get captured by the camera

The bugs have chased me into my tent which I am hoping is ant free.

Home for the night with my swimming hole in behind


  1. Notice any Trout in Bull Lake?

    1. I do not recall seeing any fish jumping there at all.

  2. You might be through all the lakes by the time you see this, but I was told the names of the lakes in there are inversely proportional to their beauty. So Deadfall is the best. Paradise is the one that doesn't deliver.
