Friday, 19 July 2019

PCT 2019 ver 2 Day 5 July 14

Daily mileage  17
Trip mileage 105
Total PCT miles 1460
Hiked from 5:15 am to 4 pm

Race to Mazama Village

I have to start out by saying I had the best sleep ever last night. Man did that ever feel great. I was up at 5 gung ho to get the job at hand done. And that job was to hike the 15 miles to the highway that leads to Mazama Village. The going was easy so I was at the roadside by 11.

Lots of old burn areas
Forested and very mosquito prone trail

Entering the Natonal Park

I trekked down to the Village which is little more than a campground, restaurant and store. I had flirted with blowing the big bucks on one of their cabins, but they were all spoken for.

So I had a mediocre burger and then spent several hours pilfering their wifi.  I was able to message with my family and managed to get a couple of internet choirs like downloading maps and books to read.

After a quick resupply and shower it was time to reconnect with the trail.

I am camped at the junction of the PCT and the side trail that will take me up to the actual rim of Crater Lake. Tomorrow is going to be a great day seeing the lake for the first time.

I always try to take a picture of my campsite each night. But tonight, the mosquitoes were just insane, so I tossed everything inside my tent, bailed in after and sealed up. Sorry, but there was no way I was going back out there.

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