So when I attempted to hike the PCT in 2017, a few things got in my way. Surprisingly, one of the was not my age. The hiking season of 2017 will go down in infamy as the year of Fire and Ice.
It just was not the right year to complete the PCT, or at least for me. Yes, a very few hardy souls did as much of the trail as was available to them. And, tragically, a couple of hikers died trying. It was just way outside of my comfort zone to press through that summer.
So having said all of that, it has really been stuck in my craw that I was not able to complete the trail. Starting on May 4th (I mean, how can any hike go wrong when it commences on Star Wars Day), I am going to have a second go at this PCT thing.
I will once again do my best to document my trials and tribulations on this blog.
I thank you if you do take the time to follow along.